Games: Max Payne and Sudoku
Dedoimedo ☛ Max Payne running seamlessly on Linux 4K
Here's something I never quite expected to write. But recently, I've been playing and playing with some old games, most notably the wonderful Caesar III and Pharaoh, and I decided to expand my adventure. And I thought, well, Max Payne, a lovely title of yore. After all, I enjoyed this game immensely back in the early 2000s, and I must have finished it four or five times at least. So I wondered, can it run in Linux?
Daniel Hooper ☛ A New Sudoku Layout With 81 Uniquely Shaped Cells
Despite all the innovation in rules, there has been comparatively little innovation in layout. Pretty much all Sudoku use a 9x9 grid. There are variants using hexagons or triangles, but they’re rare and the solving experience isn’t that different from a grid.